Delta Community Action Foundation, Inc.
Senior Citizens

Foster Grandparents are role models, mentors, and friends to children with exceptional needs. The program provides a way for volunteers age 55 and over to stay active by serving children and youth in their communities.
Volunteers serve at thousands of local schools and organizations that:
Help children learn to read and provide one-on-one tutoring
Mentor troubled teenagers and young mothers
Care for premature infants or children with disabilities
Help children who have been abused or neglected
The mission of Delta Community Action's Foster Grandparent Program is to recruit and train income-eligible people, 55 years and older, to provide 15 to 40 hours per week tutoring/mentoring to at risk children in Caddo, Carter, Cleveland, Comanche, Garvin, Grady, McClain, Murray, Pottawatomie, Seminole, and Stephens counties.
For more information contact
Rhonda David ~ Program Director
Office (405) 756-1100

Senior Companions are volunteers age 55 and over who make a difference by providing assistance and friendship to adults who have difficulty with daily living tasks. We help these adults remain independent in their homes instead of having to move to more costly institutional care. Senior Companions can also give families or professional caregivers a much needed time off from their duties, run errands, and often provide friendship for their clients.
Senior Companions serve 15 to 40 hours per week helping an average of two to four adult clients live independently in their own homes in Garvin, McClain, Stephens, and Comanche counties.